Faunistics of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) in dry grassland sites in the Eisack Valley (South Tyrol, Prov. Bolzano, Italy)
Alps, species assemblages, distribution, ecologyAbstract
Oribatid mites were investigated in five dry grassland sites in the basin around Klausen / Chiusa (South Tyrol). Soil and litter samples were taken from characteristic microhabitats (dry grassland, dry bushland, rocky steppe). A total of 150 oribatid species belonging to 47 families were encountered, most of them closely associated with dry habitats. Gymnodamaeus irregularis Bayartogtokh & Schatz, 2009 and Liochthonius perelegans Moritz, 1976 are new records for Italy, additional six species are new records for South Tyrol. Two species (Licneremaeus sp., Pseudoppia sp.) could not be identified at species level, possibly they are undescribed species. Remarkable species are presented, and their general distribution and habitat requirements pointed out. The possible origin of the oribatid mite species in dry grasslands is discussed, as inferred from the high proportion of ‘mediterranean species’ with distribution centre in South or Southeast Europe. The species assemblages of the different sites and habitats are compared.
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