Experimental tools for addressing effects of complex substance mixtures in soil



  • Matthias Rillig Freie Universität Berlin




pollution, compound mixes, experimental design, ecotoxicology


Pollution is one of the most important factors responsible for reductions in biodiversity and nature’s contribution to people (Díaz et al., 2019). Various environmental compartments, including soils, or individual target organism in the soil, are typically influenced not by single substances, but rather by a complex array of a wide range of compounds (Drakvik et al., 2020). These compounds, including an increasing number of manufactured chemicals, byproducts or compounds resulting from transformations in the environment, number in the hundreds of thousands. Addressing the impacts of such mixtures on soils and soil biota in experiments is important, but very challenging, as substances can occur in the environment in a virtually infinite number of different combinations.


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How to Cite

Rillig, M. (2020). Experimental tools for addressing effects of complex substance mixtures in soil: TECHNICAL COMMENT. Soil Organisms, 92(1), 5–7. https://doi.org/10.25674/so92iss1pp5