Society´s awareness for protection of soils, its biodiversity and function in 2030 – We need a more intrinsic approach


  • Willi E.R. Xylander Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz



soil biodiversity, conservation, touring exhibitions, science and art, story telling, virtual reality


Decades of efforts to achieve comprehensive and sustainable soil (biodiversity) protection resulted in a moderate to limited success. The ecological arguments - the extrinsic approach - are largely formulated and known. However, it is not possible to make them sufficiently heard as they stand against the interests of lobby groups. Therefore, in order to protect the soil, its functions and biocoenoses efficiently, I plead for an extended, intrinsic, centripetal approach, which includes physical-haptic, but also digital experience, transdisciplinary networks and the establishment of sympathizers for soil biodiversity. To this end, I name best practice examples from the past and present. For the development and establishment of this ‘strategy for a comprehensive sensitivity for soil (biodiversity) protection’ I expect a period of 10 years.


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Digital material mentioned

(1) Presentations by .hapto, Cologne and Senckenberg on the interactive virtual reality animation “Adventure Soil Life”

(2) “Bodenkantate” by Tobias Morgenstern, Movement 1, 2 and 3

(3) Poetry slam on “Wadden sea soil”

(4) Films by David Attenborough on earthworms and springtails on youtube:

(5) Films by Lothar Lenz on Smithurid springtails on youtube:

(6) Animations on soil protections







How to Cite

Xylander, W. E. (2020). Society´s awareness for protection of soils, its biodiversity and function in 2030 – We need a more intrinsic approach. Soil Organisms, 92(3), 203–212.

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