Some new species records of the predatory mite family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from The Netherlands


  • Farid Faraji Eurofins MITOX
  • Paul H. Hoekstra Eurofins MITOX



Biodiversity, Biological control, Dutch fauna, Gamasida, Taxonomy


Thirteen species of phytoseiid mites collected from the Netherlands are re-described and illustrated. Among them 9 are new species records for the Dutch fauna and Metaseiulus (Metaseiulussmithi (Schuster, 1957) is a new record for Europe. Metaseiulus (Metaseiulusneosmithi nom. nov. Faraji is proposed as a replacement name for Metaseiulus (Metaseiulussmithi Denmark & Evans, 2011. Also, Kampimodromus coryli Meshkov, 1999 is considered as a junior synonym of Kampimodromus langei (Wainstein & Arutunjan, 1973).


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2021-04-01 — Updated on 2021-04-01





How to Cite

Some new species records of the predatory mite family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from The Netherlands. (2021). Soil Organisms, 93(1), 35–57.