Forward without wings: Current progress and future perspectives in the study of Microcoryphia and Zygentoma
Insecta, review, up to date knowledge, jumping bristletail, silverfishAbstract
Since the publication of Mendes in 2002, there has been no update on the state of knowledge about Microcoryphia and Zygentoma.
The organizers of the 9th International Seminar on Apterygota provided us the opportunity to review the knowledge of these orders, which are better known for their taxonomy (although many regions of the world remain unexplored) than for other aspects. Fortunately, the number of scientists interested in aspects other than taxonomy, such as biology, ecology, ethology, ultrastructure, molecular data, etc., has increased and now valuable contributions exist on all these facets. Our review includes the recent knowledge on all these topics as well as an extensive reference list for these aspects, but with a reduced number of taxonomic references.
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