Methods for the extraction of microarthropods from soil: A bibliography and guide to the literature
Acari, Collembola, sampling, biodiversity, scientific literatureAbstract
This paper accompanies a bibliography of the literature on methods for the extraction of microarthropods that have been published between 1905 and the end of 2023. The bibliography comprises 378 publications. 311 address the extraction of microarthropods, while the other 67 describe the extraction of other animal groups, or are general methodological textbooks that include the soil habitat. The bibliography is intended to serve as a gateway to all published studies on the topic, with the aim of promoting future methodological development. The materials collected in this paper and its supplements consist of a commented list of publications on microarthropod extraction, including bibliometric, technical and ecological specifications; reference manager files with full bibliographic data; a thematic guide to the key publications in the bibliography; and a glossary of technical terms.
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