Distribution and diversity of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in Hesse (Central Germany): current knowledge


  • Jörg Römbke ECT Oekotoxikologie, Böttgerstr. 2-14, 65439 Flörsheim am Main, Germany
  • Wolfgang H. O. Dorow Senckenberg Research, Project Strict Forest Reserves in Hesse, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Stephan Jänsch ECT Oekotoxikologie, Böttgerstr. 2-14, 65439 Flörsheim am Main, Germany




Soil invertebrates, Annelida, Strict Forest Reserves, Monitoring


In 2016 the first Red List of German earthworms was compiled, listing 46 species. However, little is known about the biodiversity and distribution of Lumbricidae in the individual federal states of Germany. In some of them (e.g. Schleswig-Holstein) earthworm monitoring programs were performed (or are still running). In others no such soil-focused program has been performed so far. The aim of this contribution is to compile the available information on the distribution of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in the state of Hesse, using data from literature including own investigations. The main source is a long-term faunistic inventory made in Strict Forest Reserves, in which different traps were used over a period of two years for each site. Earthworms have also been sampled at other Hessian sites, for different reasons and with various methods within the last 50 years. This information was already compiled in the database Edaphobase. In total, we found data from 43 sites, mainly located in the north-eastern and eastern part of this state as well as around the city of Frankfurt in the south. In total, 25 species have been recorded representing 54 % of the German earthworm fauna. Noteworthy is Allolobophoridella eiseni (Levinsen, 1884), a species which is often overlooked since it lives on and below the bark of living and dead trees. In comparison to neighbouring countries such as The Netherlands or France, our knowledge on Hessian earthworms is considered to be poor. Thus, we recommend to perform an earthworm sampling program, using standard methods and assessment tools in order to get a detailed overview on the diversity and distribution of this functionally important group of soil invertebrates.




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How to Cite

Römbke, J. ., Dorow, W. H. O. ., & Jänsch, S. . (2018). Distribution and diversity of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in Hesse (Central Germany): current knowledge. Soil Organisms, 90(3), 171–185. https://doi.org/10.25674/bmwx-qs58

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