Checklist of Maltese Collembola with nomenclatural notes and new synonyms


  • Walter P. Pfliegler Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology, University of Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1., 4010 Debrecen, Hungary
  • Frans Janssens Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, 2020, Belgium


Mediterranean, Malta, nomen nudum, faunistics, endemic


Maltese Collembola records are reviewed and a checklist is provided. In a critical examination of previous publications considering Maltese Collembola, several nomenclatural issues were uncovered. Based on these, the following nomenclatural changes are proposed: Dicyrtoma dorsosignata Stach, 1924 stat. nov., with the following combinations as synonyms: D. fusca var. dorsosignata Stach, 1924 syn. nov.; D. fusca var. pallida Stach, 1924 syn. nov.; D. fusca f. strigata Stach, 1924 syn. nov.; D. melitensis Stach, 1957 syn. nov.; D. melitensis var. dorsosignata Stach, 1957 syn. nov.; D. melitensis var. pallida Stach, 1957 syn. nov. and D. melitensis Stach, 1967 syn. nov.. Entomobrya abrupta (Stach, 1924) stat. nov. with the synonym E. melitensis Stach, 1963 syn. nov. The following nomina nuda can be considered lapsus calami: Hypogastrura melitensis Stach, 1967 is a nomen nudum and refers to  H. varians Stach, 1967. Triacanthella transilvatica Stach, 1967 is nomen nudum and refers to T. terrasilvatica Salmon, 1943. T. perfusa Stach, 1967 is nomen nudum and refers to T. purpurea Salmon, 1943.


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How to Cite

Checklist of Maltese Collembola with nomenclatural notes and new synonyms. (2016). Soil Organisms, 88(3), 201–206.