A Manual of Acarology. 3rd ed.

by Krantz, G. W. & D. E. Walter (2009) A Manual of Acarology. 3rd ed. – Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock.


  • Gerd Alberti University of Greifswald


After 30 years a new edition, the 3rd, of the famous Manual of Acarology has finally appeared. Acarologists from all over the world have for years been looking forward to this central book on acarology in an actualised form. In contrast to the two first editions, which were the result of the admirable work of G. W. Krantz alone, the 3rd edition is authored by 10 scientists, all well-known or even leading researchers in acarology (V. Behan-Pelletier, D. R. Cook, M. S. Harvey, J. E. Keirans, G. W. Krantz, E. E. Lindquist, R. A. Norton, B. M. OConnor, I. M. Smith, D. E. Walter) with G. W. Krantz and D. E. Walter acting as editors.



Hammen, L. van der (1980): Glossary of Acarological Terminology. Vol. I. General Terminology. – Dr. W. Junk Publ., The Hague: 244 pp.

Hammen, L. van der (1989): An Introduction to Comparative Arachnology. – The Hague: SPB Publishing bv: 576 pp.

Lindquist, E. E. (1984): Current theories on the evolution of major groups of Acari and on their relationships with other groups of Arachnida, with consequent implications for their classification. – In: Griffiths, D. A. & C. E. Bowman (eds): Acarology VI. Vol. 1. – Ellis Horwood, Chichester: 28–62.

Norton, R. A. (1998): Morphological evidence for the evolutionary origin of Astigmata (Acari: Acariformes). Experimental and Applied Acarology 22: 559–594.

OConnor, B. M. (1984): Phylogenetic relationships among higher taxa in the Acariformes, with particular reference to the Astigmata. – In: Griffiths, D. A. & C. E. Bowman (eds): Acarology VI. Vol. 1. – Ellis Horwood Ltd. Chichester: 19–27.







How to Cite

Alberti, G. (2009). A Manual of Acarology. 3rd ed.: by Krantz, G. W. & D. E. Walter (2009) A Manual of Acarology. 3rd ed. – Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock . Soil Organisms, 81(1), 129–132. https://soil-organisms.org/index.php/SO/article/view/189