Fine structure of the trichobothrium of Heterochthonius gibbus (Oribatida, Enarthronota, Heterochthoniidae) with remarks on adjacent setae
bothridial seta, bothridium, mechanoreceptor, sensillus, ultrastuctureAbstract
The trichobothridium (bothridium and bothridial seta) of the enarthronote mite Heterochthonius gibbus is described using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The cuticular wall of the bothridium shows three recognizable regions an external (distal) smooth part, a central region with a complex structured wall, and an internal (proximal) smooth part beginning where the bothridium bends sharply ending in the setal insertion. The central wall is provided with many tubules or chambers, which in the most distal region are filled with a secretion but otherwise are empty (likely filled with air). Distinct chambers separated by septa are not evident. The bothridial seta is similarly bent and is inserted in a proximal cuticular ring via only a few suspension fibers. Two dendrites terminating with tubular bodies innervate the bothridial seta. The dendrites are distally surrounded by a thick dense dendritic sheath. The overall structure of the trichobothrium, with a simple sharp bend, presents an intermediate condition compared with the straight trichobothrium of early derivative oribatid mites and the double-curved, S-shaped base found in more evolved taxa. The adjacent interlamellar and exobothridial setae are also provided with two dendrites terminating with tubular bodies and thus are mechanosensitive touch receptors.
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