Fine structural observations of the erectile setae and dermal glands on the notogaster of Heterochthonius gibbus (Oribatida, Enarthronota, Heterochthoniidae)
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Enarthronotides, glands, movable setae, non-striated muscle cells, scissures, sclerites, ultrastructureAbstract
The external and internal structures of the notogaster of the enarthronote oribatid mite Heterochthonius gibbus are described, focused on the apodemal and muscular structures involved in the erection of setae. A functional model is suggested to explain the peculiar defensive movements of the setae. This model concerns the structure and deformation of the intercalary sclerites due to contraction of peculiar non-striated muscles that stretch between apodemal ribs bordering the relevant sclerites. Innervation of each of the setae on the anterior notogaster occurs by two dendrites of mechanosensitive cells. Four pairs of dermal glands are described for the first time from an enarthronote oribatid mite. These glands deliver a complex secretion on the external surface of the mite. A detailed scheme of the arrangement of setae, sclerites and scissures of the notogaster of H. gibbus is presented.
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